
Hi. I'm Youwen.

I generally spend at least half of my time theorizing about abstract vapid nonsense in mathematics and equally useless nonsense in computing.

The rest of my time is spent pursuing more fruitful endeavors such as writing software and spending an inordinate amount of time optimizing my systems.

I'm deeply committed to the craft of software engineering. In fact I am constantly analyzing and predicting the latest trends of the industry so that I can do the exact opposite.


I put most worthwhile things I do on my GitHub. I write over at a blog called Conditional Finality. You can check out my portfolio here on this site. You can skip down to my contact info, or keep reading.

If for whatever reason you're interested in the tools I use on my computer, I have a brief page about it. I maintain a personal purely functional Linux distribution of sorts called liminalOS, as well as an extensive hand-rolled purely functional Neovim configuration.

This site contains a colophon, for those interested in its inner workings.

contact me.

Find me on:

I read message requests everywhere but do not accept Discord friend requests if I don't know you. The best way to reach me and receive a response is probably by email.

If you notice any issues with or have any suggestions about this site or any of my projects, feel free to send me an email or message about it.