
Here's some of the stuff I've worked on which I think is notable or interesting enough to write about.

You can also view my CV directly.

Quick links: Projects. Research.


Below are some selected projects I am particularly proud of. You can also view all of my projects here.


Robotics License: GPLv3 Web Technology Rust

Jankboard is a fully custom control dashboard for Team 1280's robot competing in the 2024 season of the FIRST Robotics Competition.

It displays the robot's telemetry through a network connection established via the NetworkTables protocol, including speed, orientation, acceleration, heading, and other vital metrics. It also features a full 3D robot visualization and looks like a Tesla UI. It was used in production for the first time at the Central Valley Regional, where we made it to the playoffs as 2nd pick.

It's built with Tauri, Svelte, and Rust.

team 1280 logo


Nothing here for now...


  • FreeCodeCamp - Legacy JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms Certificate. Represents roughly 300 hours of work. Earned in 2022.