
This site is built with the SvelteKit full stack framework, itself a meta-framework of the Svelte web framework. The body font is Vercel's Geist Sans and Merriweather in select parts.

My blog is generated by a static site generator library called Hakyll, which is configured with the Haskell programming language (you could consider it a Haskell eDSL for configuring static sites). The web portions are raw HTML created by hand. I leverage the Haskell library Pandoc to convert Markdown files into HTML for each blog post. It gets perfect 100s across the board on Google's lighthouse test. The serif font is Merriweather and the sans-serif font is Open Sans.

The CSS on both sites is done with TailwindCSS. Tailwind is a terrible, ugly way to do CSS; however, every other method of doing CSS is arguably worse.

My domain is currently managed by Vercel, and they also host this site. My blog is hosted on GitHub Pages. I may switch to a more long-term domain provider and hosting solution at a later time.